General Advice – March 2021

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General Advice – March 2021

Is It Worth the Effort?

Some aggrieved patients are keen to pursue a perceived under-performing Orthopaedic Surgeon for damages after an adverse event. The anger, frustration and disenchantment all fuel that desire.

Some of them lack the financial backing to make such a pursuit. Instead, they rely upon legal firms who are prepared to take a “no win, no fee” approach.

Understandably, these lawyers must be extremely cautious. They could expend many thousands of dollars on a fruitless search before the penny drops.

This potentially wasteful process could be short-circuited easily.  An “off the record” chat with an Orthopaedic Surgeon may give a good indication of the likelihood of success or otherwise at a very early juncture. I would recommend it highly.

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