General Advice – July 2019


GENERAL ADVICE – JULY 2019 Is Your Expert Qualified? I have written previously on the topic of experts straying beyond their field of expertise. There is the Neurosurgeon who is sometimes found to comment upon shoulder injuries. Occupational Physicians stray … Read More

Lead Article – July 2019


LEAD ARTICLE – JULY 2019 When Is Apportionment Appropriate? The issue I am addressing is whether or not the clinical condition displayed by a Plaintiff following an injury is due in its entirety to the injury. Stated differently, “not all … Read More

Case Vignette – July 2019


CASE VIGNETTE – JULY 2019 Not Everything Is As It Seems Orthopaedic surgeons rely heavily upon radiographs to diagnose fractures. Fractures in themselves can be sub-classified in a myriad of ways. In essence however, a fracture refers to a discontinuity … Read More