Lead Article – March 2019


LEAD ARTICLE – MARCH 2019 New Kids On The Block I find both national and international politics fascinating. Not that I’ve ever been tempted to put my toe in that murky water but trends, persuasions and emerging difficulties can be … Read More

Case Vignette – March 2019


CASE VIGNETTES – MARCH 2019 Temporal Links Are Not Always Important I saw a chap this morning. He is 72 years of age and gave a history of having fallen from a tram in Melbourne in July last year. The … Read More

General Advice – March 2019


GENERAL ADVICE – MARCH 2019 Complaints To AHPRA And The Medical Board Of Australia I recently received notification from the Office of the Health Ombudsman in Queensland that I had been the subject of a compliant. The complainant had been … Read More