Lead Article – February 2019


LEAD ARTICLE – FEBRUARY 2019 CLINICAL EXAMINATIONS AND SEXUAL BOUNDARIES Whilst clinical examinations form a vital part of any orthopaedic assessment of a patient’s malady, examinations of an intimate nature are very rarely required. The definition of an intimate examination … Read More

General Advice – February 2019


GENERAL ADVICE – FEBRUARY 2019 Staying Calm Under Enemy Fire Whilst Orthopaedic Surgeons are usually comfortable within the operating theatre environment, that same equilibrium does not extend to the Court room. Delivering evidence in chief is usually straightforward. The cross-examination phase … Read More

Case Vignette – February 2019


CASE VIGNETTES – FEBRUARY 2019 Who Would You Get To Do Your Hip Replacement? Lawyers typically know which fellow practitioners are good and those who are not. Whether the need is for a commercial litigator, a mediator, a criminal lawyer … Read More