April 2018 – General Advice


GENERAL ADVICE Where Does Medicolegal Experience Come From?   The answer is pretty obvious.  From all sorts of places, really.   From the medical perspective, competence is directly proportional to experience.  That is not to say that the two equal … Read More

April 2018 – Case Vignette


Case Vignette Multiple Injuries In The Lumbar Spine The AMA 5 Guides recommend that expert reporters quantifying impairments use the so-called “Diagnosis Related Estimate Category” method for assessment.  There are several reasons for that recommendation.  One relates to the potential … Read More

April 2018 – Lead Article


LEAD ARTICLE – APRIL 2018 How Useful Are Past Medical Records?   I usually answer “vital” but there are some obvious exceptions.   When assessing a functional loss or quantifying an impairment, and attributing that loss or a component of … Read More